About Us

Export Logistics was conceived in response to a demonstrated need by the US government to speed up the implementation and execution of Foreign Military Sales. Our security assistance partners around the world continue to depend on the US government’s resources, and with global turmoil those needs have been amplified by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. Built on a foundation of experience, Export Logistics demonstrates maximum flexibility for its USG customers and invaluable counsel for its’ manufacturing and service vendors.

What we do

Export Logistics is uniquely positioned to deliver Total Package Approach in support of FMS requirements; the product needed and the spares and service to make it effective.

Sourcing and P&A​

Export Logistics has developed supply chain partners over the past twenty years to ensure the availability of any end item, spare part, machine, or solution that is either still in production or for which technical drawings still exist.  Our projects over the years include some of the most obscure components for aging non-standard fleets, ground, air vehicles and weapon systems alike.  We provide fast P&A at no cost or obligation to our USG customers so that budgets can be built and cases can move forward.  Every quote includes the consideration of how the request can be put on contract so time is not wasted developing an “un-buyable” solution.  P&A requests can be sent directly to quotes@exportlogistics.org.

Logistics Support and Planning

Throughout our time supporting the Security Assistance enterprise we have learned that logistics and support planning cannot be overlooked in case development.  Whether delivering emergency Covid-related PPE to numerous countries, long range thermal weapon optics to Eastern Europe, or MRAPs in the Middle East and Africa there are logistical hurdles and planning critical to mission success.  Our manufacturing vendors are spread all over the US and more than twenty-five countries around the world and each has a unique and unwavering import / export policy for materiel and services.  Export Logistics maintains the relationships and experience to navigate even the most complex procurement, delivery, and training projects.  If we are willing to sell it to the US government we are capable of safe delivery and in-country training.

Certified Inspections

Every FMS case includes certain guarantees by the US government which plays a major role in value proposition our partners around the world consider their procurement options.  Quality control is a major factor and thus the DoD has organizations like the Defense Contract Management Agency to provide quality assurances.  However, Export Logistics is expert in providing onsite technical inspections, interviews, quality control reports for those times DCMA is not available.   One example of the past few years is the total lockdown during Covid meant that items could not be inspected by the USG at the factory and thus could not be delivered to the customer.   We provided on-site inspection of the product, video evidence, full documentation including Certificates of Conformance and Certificates of Compliance, and in some cases third-party inspectors to avoid conflict.  It is not always possible or practical for USG inspectors to be available on a given project; Export Logistics can fill that role.  


An FMS case can take between one and two years from initial inquiry to delivery and acceptance, depending on numerous factors and the responsiveness of stakeholders on both sides of the transaction.  Much of that is intentionally circuitous to give all parties adequate time to evaluate the transactions intent.   However, there is one aspect to the FMS process that Export Logistics can have a major effect and that is contracting.  We use a variety of commercial contracts that are FAR and SAMM compliant to avoid traditional contracting methods. On average, we can get almost anything on contract in less than a month from case funding.  That includes major weapon systems, small parts and components, commercial technology, ancillary services, training, and contractor logistics support.  Our record is three days and every once in a while a contract will take as long as six weeks.  The program manager’s workload is significantly reduced and we make sure to provide total transparency to all parties involved.   Contact us for an assessment of your project, whether you are a manufacturer or a government procurement specialist we can speed up your case load.  


For us, manufacturing is a family business and has been for over 50 years. Our ISO9001 certified facility has broad capabilities to fabricate, machine, finish, and assemble a diverse array of military equipment. Spread over our sixteen-acre campus, we manufacture small arms, up-armor kits for US wheeled and tracked vehicles, mortar fin assemblies, advance light-wight bipods, and countless other spare parts for NATO-standard and non-standard weapon systems. For higher volume needs we run fully automated, robotic machining cells 24/7 in support of the Department of Defense. If Export Logistics can’t find the part you need, we can make it.